Saturday, May 5, 2012

EXP2 Week 2: Parallel projections, Electroliquid Aggregation.

I was particually inspired by concepts which tended more towards the semi-abstract. Kahn's buildings are often strategically positioned in their surrounding lanscape to act as a reminder of human scale; for example, looming in a flat area or being reflected in water to appear bigger. Calatrava's designs show a strong influence by nature and consideration of the importance of the effects of light and shadow.

 In creating my monuments, I combined these two concepts into an Electroliquid Aggregation:

As buildings are relatively temporary additions compared to seemingly indestructible natural landforms, the natural setting must be considered in designing any architectural form: namely, the positioning of the building and how it will affect/ be affected by natural light. These two things can be manipulated to produce a final design that reminds human observers of their scale and mortality.

My Axonometrics showing three pairs of prisms from two views each:

 Having combined two sets of prisms into one form and making a model, I experimented with placing the model so that it could be seen from a distance.

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